BMA MEETING MINUTES, October 9, 2019

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Rough River State Park, KY
October 9, 2019

Those present: Chairman Rev Don Horath, Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Rev John Wongler, Rev Joe Greene, Rev Josh Long, Provisional board member Rev Jerry VanRonk and Emeritus members Rev Jim Wilson and Rev Don Matthews.

Chairman Rev Don Horath called the meeting to order and led in prayer. Chairman Horath expressed his appreciation to Rev Wilson and Rev Wongler for their coordination, planning and leadership in this annual BMA Conference.

Secretary Matthews was asked to read the minutes from the July 11 membership meeting at Bethel Youth Camp and Conference Center. As everyone had previously read the minutes prior to the meeting, Rev Owens moved that the minutes be accepted as written. Rev Wongler seconded the motion and all approved.

Treasurer Frye was asked to review the financial report for 2019. The balance at the start of the year was $6,608. Noted updates to expenditures at our conferences showed $6690 spent at Junior Conference and $12,960 spent at Senior Conference. The ending bank balance at the end of the quarter was $30,446. It was also noted that the total received to date for logging of our trees comes to $42,000. Rev Greene moved that the report be accepted. Rev Wilson seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Matthews submitted the report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that materials purchased from our churches came to $278 while amount submitted to BPH was $320. This resulted in a balance so far this year of $95. Everyone was encouraged to use BPH to purchase their Sunday School literature. Rev Wongler moved that the report be accepted. Rev Frye seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Joe Greene was called upon to present the Missions report. He reported that giving to missions through this quarter was $22,440, which was $2,116 less than last year. Rev Frye moved that the missions report be accepted. Rev Wongler seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Owens, Chairman of the Credentials Committee was asked to review the board positions open for election this year. The terms of Rev Frye, Rev Greene and Rev Long expire at the end of 2019. Rev VanRonk moved that each of those members be accepted to serve another three years in their positions. Rev Wilson seconded that motion and all members were re-elected by acclimation.

Rev Frye briefed the membership on progress of the logging operations that were being conducted on Conference Center property. So far, we have received $42,000 for trees harvested. He stated that the logging company would return to the grounds in late October and finish their operation in two to three weeks.

Chairman Horath reminded everyone that dues would remain the same as last year with members paying $100 and missionaries and those over 65 paying $50. They would be due January 1, 2020.

Chairman Horath advised all the members that the January planning session would again be conducted in Indianapolis at Tallwood Chapel, 5560 Shelby St, Indianapolis, IN 46227, January 10-11. Everyone was encouraged to attend this very important meeting.

No further business coming before the board, Rev Wilson moved that we adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Rev Wongler and all approved.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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