BMA MEETING MINUTES, October 9, 2018

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Crosby Church, Crosby, TX
October 9, 2018
Those present: Chairman Rev Don Horath, Vice Chairman Steve Owens, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Rev Joe Greene, Rev Josh Long, Rev Keenan Smith, Rev Jose Rodriguez, Rev Josh Powell, Rev Rhonda Powell, Rev Kevin Horath and Crosby Church members Caleb Sutton and Tiffany Mueller.

Chairman Rev Don Horath called the meeting to order and Rev Owens led in prayer. Rev Greene read a passage of Scripture. Chairman Horath expressed his appreciation to Rev Keenan Smith and his wife Lorie for their superb hospitality and planning in this year's annual business meeting and conference with the theme, "Believe Bigger." He also commended Revs Josh and Rhonda Powell for their help and leadership.

Secretary Matthews was asked to read the meeting minutes from the July 12, 2018 membership meeting at Bethel Youth Camp and Conference Center, IN. Since all members had received and reviewed the minutes prior to this meeting, Rev Owens moved that the minutes be accepted without further reading. Rev Rhonda Powell seconded the motion and all approved.

Absent a treasurers report, Rev Matthews discussed finances with Rev Frye prior to the meeting. He stated that the approximate balance of funds on hand was $11,000. Rev Matthews reviewed a summary of income and expenditures that Rev Frye had forwarded to him. Rev Greene moved that the summary be accepted. Rev Josh Powell seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Matthews submitted the report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that $200 in orders were made in the third quarter and $230 was received, resulting in a balance of $73 for the year. Everyone was encouraged to use BPH to purchase their Sunday School literature. Rev Kevin Horath moved that the report be accepted. Rev Rodriguez seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Joe Greene presented the Missions report for the year to date. He reported that giving to missions was $24,556. He also reported that the Missions Emergency Fund has a current balance of $17,142. Rev Kevin Horath moved that the missions report be accepted. Rev Owens seconded the motion and all approved.

Credentials committee chairman Rev Owens presented the slate of nominations for board members for vote starting in 2019. Rev Horath and Rev Owens were re-nominated and stated that they would be willing to renew their terms at the end of this year. Rev Rodriguez stated that he wished to not be nominated again due to heavy ministry concerns. Rev Josh Long nominated Rev Josh Powell to take his place and Rev Greene seconded the nomination. There were no further nominations from the floor and all present voted to accept all three members by acclamation.

Realizing that members who were needed to discuss ways we might promote next year's programs and increase conference attendance were missing, Rev Horath tabled the discussion for the January planning conference.
ACTION: Chairman Horath will lead discussion at the January Conference on ways we might promote growth in the BMA and at both of our Youth Conferences.

Chairman Horath led a discussion of conference center improvements and repairs needed now. These included hydraulic work on the tractor, a tree that had recently fallen on shelter two (next to the tabernacle) necessitating repairs, repair of a broken water line near the dining hall, recent minor leaks discovered in the dining hall roof, dirt/gravel fill needed at the footers of the tabernacle and needed refill of the mud pit at the volleyball court. Rev Greene briefed the membership about a contract proposed by David Holbrook regarding harvesting of trees/lumber around the campgrounds. Mr. Holbrook's initial estimate revealed that almost $15,000 might be provided for trees harvested. Rev Matthews moved that Rev Greene proceed with the contract provided that he would inspect and have final approval of the trees Mr. Holbrook intends to harvest. Rev Rhonda Powell seconded the motion and all approved.
ACTION: Rev Greene will coordinate the final contract and approve the final plan for harvesting trees on Conference grounds with David Holbrook.

Updated rosters were provided by Secretary Rev Matthews to all members and procedures for accessing this data on the web site were reviewed. Members were also reminded that unpaid membership dues after two years would require those members to apply to the Credentials Committee for them to review reinstatement of membership. He reminded everyone that dues for 2019 would again be $100 for members and $50 for those over 65 years of age.

Rev Horath announced that Junior Youth Conference would be June 24-26, 2019 with a departure date of June 27. Costs would remain as last year at $135 for preregistration and $170 thereafter. Senior Youth Conference will be July 8-11, 2019 with a departure date of July 12. Costs would remain as last year at $170 for preregistration and $200 thereafter. Pastors and workers would be half that price and $25 per recreational vehicle would be required as well. Further discussion on these dates and prices will be considered in the January planning meeting.

Rev Horath announced that we would conduct the January Planning Conference at the Hampton Inn on Southport Road in Indianapolis January 11 and 12. Rev Matthews will visit the Hampton Inn and coordinate our meetings and secure a meeting room for all our activities. All members are encouraged to attend. He also asked for volunteers to host the 2019 Spring BMA Conference. Anyone interested in hosting should contact Rev Horath as soon as possible.

No further business coming before the membership, Rev Greene moved that we adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Rev Horath and all approved. Chairman Horath then declared the meeting adjourned. Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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