BMA MEETING MINUTES, October 7, 2020

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Spring Mill State Park, Mitchell, IN
October 7, 2020

Those present: Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Vice Chairman Rev John Wongler, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Rev Don Horath, Rev Joe Greene, Rev Jose Rodriguez and Rev Tom Sullivan.

Chairman Owens called the meeting to order and Rev Wongler led in prayer. Chairman Owens expressed his appreciation to Rev Matthews for his coordination, planning and leadership in this annual BMA Conference. He felt it had been a great time of fellowship and refreshing.

Secretary Matthews was asked to read the minutes from the previous membership meeting. Rev Matthews advised the members that the last membership meeting had been in January due to cancellations because of the Corona Virus through the year. Because of this and because everyone had previously read the minutes prior to the meeting, Rev Frye moved that the minutes be accepted as written. Rev Greene seconded the motion and all approved.

Treasurer Frye was asked to review the financial report for 2020. The balance at the start of the year was $27,690. Noted expenditures included $18,147 spent on re-roofing the All Weather Dorm and installing a new HVAC system and $8891 for utilities throughout the year, notably without having held either of our youth camp programs. The bank balance at the end of the quarter was $3817. Rev Frye warned of two insurance bills coming due at the beginning of next year. He also noted two major contributions from two of our churches through the summer but again, pleaded that each of our churches consider including the BMA in their budgets and giving. Rev Matthews moved that the report be accepted, Rev Rodriguez seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Joe Greene was called upon to present the Missions report. He reported that giving to missions through this quarter was $22,850, which was $610 more than last year. Rev Matthews moved that the missions report be accepted. Rev Sullivan seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Matthews submitted the report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that materials purchased from our churches came to $105 while amount submitted to BPH was $120. This resulted in a balance so far this year of $83. Everyone was encouraged to use BPH to purchase their Sunday School literature. Rev Frye moved that the report be accepted, Rev Horath seconded the motion and all approved.

Meeting dates for 2021. Chairman Owens led in a discussion of meeting dates for next year’s conferences. Rev Matthews mentioned that Rev Don Matthews had checked with the pastor of Tallwood Chapel where we have met in January for the last two years and they invited us to use their facilities again. However, because we always tend to be hindered by snowy weather every year and because we already have the Zoom Conference procedure established, it was decided that we would conduct our annual January Planning Meeting via Zoom Conference January 9th. The board meeting will be conducted at 9am Central Time, 10am Eastern Time. Announcement of the time for the membership meeting will be announced in December.

Chairman Owens asked Rev Wongler to brief members on plans for the Spring Conference. He stated that the conference would be held at Hatfield Bethel Church, April 12-14, 2021 in combination with commemoration of the church’s 75th anniversary. Rev Wongler will brief the board on further details at the January meeting and coordinate all details for the conference.
ACTION: Rev Wongler will coordinate details for the April Spring BMA Conference and further brief them at the January Planning Meeting.

Chairman Owens asked Rev Horath to brief members on plans for next year’s Fall/Annual Conference. He stated that the conference would be held at Decatur Hillside Bethel Tabernacle, October 4-6, 2021 in combination with commemoration of the church’s and pastor’s 60th anniversary. He noted that the theme is planned to be “Stay the Course.” Rev Horath will brief the board on further details at the January meeting and coordinate all details for the conference.
ACTION: Rev Horath will coordinate details for the October Fall BMA Conference and further brief them at the January Planning Meeting.

Chairman Owens announced that Rev Wongler and his wife, Jenny, would lead the Junior Conference, June 21-24. Cost will be planned to remain as last year, $135 for early registration by May 24 and $170 per camper after that date. Rev Smith and Rev Powell will lead Senior Conference, July 12-16. Cost will also be planned to remain as last year, $180 for early registration by June 14 and $200 per camper after that date.
ACTION: Rev Wongler and Rev Smith will brief the board and membership on details for each of their respective conferences at the January Planning Meeting.

Chairman Owens announced that the terms served on the board for Rev Matthews, Rev Wongler and Rev Smith were over at the end of this year. He asked for nominations from the floor. There being no further nominations, Rev Horath moved that we accept all three members to serve another three years on the board. Rev Rodriguez seconded the motion and all approved.

Chairman Owens reminded everyone of the BMA website at and briefed all members on access to password restricted portions of the site. Everyone was reminded to check the website frequently as updates are always being made.

No further business coming before the board, Rev Frye moved that we adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Rev Greene and all approved.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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