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Full Gospel Evangelistic Center, Lincoln, IL
October 6, 2022

Those present: Chairman Rev John Wongler, Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Rev Kevin Horath, Rev Josh Long, Emeritus Members Rev Don Horath and Rev Oscar Owens, Provisional Member Rev Scott Branam, Rev Jerry Rodriguez, Rev Tom Sullivan, Rev Jarrod Herald and Rev Dale Sims.

Chairman Wongler called the meeting to order. Rev Long read from Isaiah 41:9-10 and Rev Jarrod Herald led in prayer. Chairman Wongler expressed his appreciation to all those who attended and led in the conference and all the members of Full Gospel Evangelistic Center for their great planning and outstanding hospitality. He felt it had been a great time of fellowship and refreshing.

Treasurer Frye was asked to review the financial report for 2022. The balance at the start of the year was $16,507 and beginning of the quarter was $14,988. Income received to date came to $62,948 and expenditures were $52,434. The balance at the end of the quarter was $20,514. Rev Owens moved that the report be accepted, Rev Herald seconded the motion and all approved.

Secretary Matthews was asked to read the minutes from the July 21 Membership Meeting at Bethel Youth Camp. Since everyone had previously read the minutes from that meeting, Rev Long moved that the minutes be accepted as written. Rev Frye seconded the motion and all approved.

Secretary Matthews then read the Missions report submitted by Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Jose Rodriguez. He reported that giving to missions in this quarter was $6,817 and the bank balance was $12,516. He also briefed that fourteen missionaries were being supported. Rev Don Horath moved that the missions report be accepted. Rev Herald seconded the motion and all approved.

Chairman Wongler noted that the terms of Rev Frye, Rev Greene and Rev Long as board members were completed this year and that nominations were open to fill their positions. Rev Kevin Horath moved that all three board members be nominated to continue in their positions as board members and Rev Owens seconded the motion. Other nominations were opened to the floor and there were none. All voted to accept these three board members for another three year term by acclimation. Chairman Wongler then announced that the board had elected Rev Kevin Horath to the new three year term as Treasurer and renewed its vote for Rev Wongler as its Chairman again in 2023.

Rev Matthews was asked to brief the membership on plans for the Spring Conference in 2023. He stated that plans are for the conference to be held at Bethel Youth Camp and Conference Center, March 29 to April 1. He and Rev Wongler and the Hatfield Bethel Church will host the conference and the theme is “Writing Words” with theme text, Job 19:23. The intent is to emphasize the writing/author efforts of many of our BMA pastors and their advice to those who would like to attempt to join them. We will also host Retired Colonel Doug Dildy, a close friend of Rev Matthews, who is a published author and preparing his next book on the Centurians of the New Testament. There will also be work days several afternoons of the conference to begin preparing the grounds for the 2023 Youth Conference season.
ACTION: Rev Matthews will continue preparations for the Spring Conference and coordinate with Rev Wongler and brief the membership of further details at the January Planning Meeting.

Chairman Wongler announced that Junior Youth Conference would again be led by he and his wife, Sister Jenny Wongler. The dates for the Conference will be June 26-29. He stated that he planned on having the Crosby Church team again lead Senior Youth Conference and the dates will be July 10-14. Further details will follow about both camps at the Planning Conference in January.

Chairman Wongler asked if there were any recommendations for where we would meet for the Fall Conference in 2023. Asking the church in Reo was suggested. Rev Herald stated that their church rebuild is scheduled to be complete in April next year and, after conferring with Pastor Ed Herald, announced that they would like to tentatively plan on hosting the conference one year from now.

Chairman Wongler led a discussion on the potential for the BMA to use a new media platform called “Sub Splash.” Both Decatur and Bloomington use this platform and give it great praises. It would include things like website management, coordination with other media platforms, offer online registrations for camps and conferences and enabling communication among member churches through the BMA. Cost was explained to be $200 per month. Rev Kevin Horath pledged to support our move to “Sub Splash” with $1,000, Chairman Wongler offered $1,000 from his church and Rev Frye offered $400 to make up the cost for the first year of use/membership. Rev Frye moved that we appoint Rev Horath, Rev Herald and Rev Wongler as the committee to make the BMA transition to this membership and coordinate all aspects. Rev Owens seconded the motion and all approved.
ACTION: Rev Kevin Horath, Rev Herald and Rev Wongler will meet as committee to transition the BMA into membership and usage of “Sub Splash” as a new media platform and brief all members at future meetings on how to use its functions.

Chairman Wongler mentioned that using ZOOM software to virtually meet at our annual Planning Conference in January has worked very well, so he recommended that we convene that conference via ZOOM again, January 7, 2023 at 9am Central time, 10am Eastern time. Details and contact information will be forwarded prior to the meeting.
ACTION: Rev Wongler will forward information and contact details for the January 7 Planning Conference via ZOOM prior to the meeting.

No other business arising from the membership for this meeting, Rev Owens moved that we adjourn. Rev Frye seconded the motion and all approved.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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