BMA MEETING MINUTES, October 5, 2016

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Hillside Bethel Tabernacle, Decatur, IL
October 5, 2016
Those present: Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Rev Joe Greene, Rev Brad Kemp, Rev Jose Rodriguez, Rev John Wongler, Rev Josh Long, Rev Jerry Van Ronk, Rev Don Matthews, Rev Jim Wilson, Rev Oscar Owens, Rev Kevin Horath, Rev Scott Branam, Rev Tom Sullivan, Missionary Rev Nola Warren, Nigerian Pastor Rev Duff.

Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens called the meeting to order and Rev Josh Long led in prayer. Rev Joe Greene read from John 3. Rev Steve Owens expressed appreciation by the board to Hillside Bethel Tabernacle for providing an outstanding conference and hosting the 55th Pastoral and Church Anniversary.

All members had previously reviewed minutes of the last meeting. Therefore, Rev John Wongler moved that the minutes be accepted without further reading. Seconded by Rev Joe Greene, all approved the minutes.

Treasurer Rev Phil Frye presented the financial report for the year. $33,400 had been spent to date leaving a current balance of $7,064, including $7,377 spent during Junior Youth Conference and $10,310 spent during Senior Youth Conference. Rev Wilson moved that the report be accepted. Rev Kevin Horath seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev David Matthews gave the report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that the balance of accounts at the end of the quarter was $219. Rev Frye moved that the report be accepted. Rev Sullivan seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Joe Greene presented the Missions report for the year. He reported that giving to missions for the year so far was $33,495, $1315 less than giving at this point last year. Rev Jerry Van Ronk moved that the Missions report be accepted. Rev Wongler seconded the motion and all approved.

It was recommended that we pray for Rev Nola Warren. It was a pleasure to have her join us at this year’s conference and since she has had several battles with cancer everyone joined in praying for healing for her. Next, visiting minister from Bethel missionary ministry in Nigeria, Rev Duff was invited to address the membership. He is representing Rev Sambo and extended his greetings and thanks to the membership for having him here to visit.

Rev Owens presented the membership with the slate of nominations for board members for 2017. Rev Phil Frye, whose term expires December 31, agreed to serve another three year term starting January 1st and was nominated by the Credentials Committee. Rev Joe Greene, also agreed to serve another three year term in his position on the board and was also nominated. Rev Brad Kemp, whose term also expires, expressed concerns about personal needs and needs of his church requiring him to not serve another three year term. The Credentials Committee nominated Rev Josh Long to replace Rev Kemp in the third board position and suggested Rev Kemp replace Rev Long as a current provisional board member. Nominations were open to the floor and there were none. Rev Wongler moved that we accept Rev Frye, Rev Greene and Rev Long to fill the three open positions on the board. Rev Van Ronk seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

Acting Chairman Owens announced the vote by the membership to amend the BMA Bylaws. The vote was to amend Article IV, “Board of Directors”, Section 1, “Number and Term of Directors”, to delete the last sentence of the paragraph which reads, “To become an officer, that is Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer the member must carry a certificate of ordination from this corporation.” There was some discussion about the amendment after which it was decided to vote verbally. All present voted in favor of the amendment to the Bylaws.

Rev Frye and Rev Wilson briefed the board on work already done at Bethel Youth Camp to prepare for winter months. He advised that our caretaker had already completed work to winterize all buildings for this winter. A brief discussion on other repairs and improvements was also conducted. Appreciation for the work done by Brother Howell was expressed. Possible work days leading to next year’s camp programs will be announced at the January meeting.
ACTION: Work days on the camp grounds will be scheduled in the January meeting.

Rev David Matthews provided updated membership rosters and briefed everyone on access to the secure section of the BMA website. Rev Kemp advised everyone that his employer who operates a computer/website management company would offer a free page for secure information if desired by the BMA. Rev Matthews and Rev Kemp will examine this possibility, coordinate and advise the membership of this at the January meeting.
ACTION: Rev Dave Matthews and Rev Brad Kemp will coordinate options for password protected space on the website prior to the January conference.

Rev Owens announced that Rev and Sister Wongler will be leading next year’s Junior Youth Conference, scheduled for June 26-29. He also announced that Rev Keenan Smith will lead Senior Youth Conference, July 10-14. Cost will remain the same at $135 and $150 respectively for early registration. Rev Smith and Rev Wongler will brief members on plans for their respective camps at the January meeting.
ACTION: Rev Keenan Smith and Rev John Wongler will present their plans for Senior and Junior Youth Conferences at the January Planning Meeting.

Rev Owens announced that the January Planning Meeting will be held at Bethel Community Church in Southport, IN January 6-7. Chairman Horath will announce details in the near future.

Rev Owens led discussion about where to meet for the April BMA Conference. Rev Jerry Van Ronk announced that he would tentatively like to invite the membership for the April meeting to be hosted by his church, Temple of God Full Gospel Church in San Antonio, TX. He will verify and coordinate with his congregation for the conference with a possible date of April 3-5. He will brief further details at the January planning meeting.
ACTION: Rev Van Ronk will provide details for the April BMA Conference at the January Planning Meeting.

Rev Greene moved that we adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Rev Wongler and all approved. Vice Chairman Owens declared the meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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