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Bethel Church and Conference Center, IN
July 13, 2017
Those present: Chairman Rev Don Horath, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Rev Joe Greene, Rev Keenan Smith, Rev John Wongler, Emeritus members Rev Jim Wilson and Rev Don Matthews, Rev Joshua Powell, Rev Rhonda Powell, Rev Walter Phillips, Rev Mark Phillips, Rev Tom Sullivan, Brother Jeremy Howell, Caretaker.

Chairman Rev Don Horath called the meeting to order, Rev Wongler read from Psalm 133 and Rev Josh Powell led in prayer. Chairman Horath expressed his appreciation to Rev Wongler and his wife Jenny for leading an outstanding Junior Youth Conference two weeks earlier. He also expressed his appreciation to Rev Keenan Smith and Revs Josh and Rhonda Powell for a great Senior Youth Conference this week. He also expressed special acknowledgment to Caretaker Jeremy Howell and his wife and family for how great the conference grounds looked for both conferences.

All members had previously read the minutes, so Secretary Matthews summarized highlights from the membership meeting minutes of the April 6 Spring Conference held at Temple of God Full Gospel Church in San Antonio, TX. Rev Smith moved that the minutes be accepted. Seconded by Rev Wongler, all approved the minutes.

Treasurer Rev Phil Frye presented the financial report for the year to date. Income to date was $17,731 from contributions, membership fees and camp registrations bringing the total to $24,261. Total expenses were $21,387 including $8,396 spent on Junior Conference and $361 spent so far on Senior Conference. The current balance was $2,874. Rev Greene moved that the report be accepted. Rev Wongler seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Matthews submitted the report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that $456 in orders were made by our churches in the second quarter and they paid $524, resulting in a end of quarter balance of $138.40. Everyone was encouraged to use BPH to purchase their Sunday School literature. Rev Josh Powell moved that the report be accepted. Rev Sullivan seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Joe Greene presented the Missions report for the second quarter. He reported that giving to missions was $25,840, up from last year’s giving by $1,780. Rev Wilson moved that the missions report be accepted. Rev Smith seconded the motion and all approved.

Chairman Horath invited Revs Wilson and Wongler to brief everyone on plans for the upcoming October 2017 annual Fall Conference. He briefed our plans to meet at Rough River State Park in Kentucky, October 2-4. Lodging would be approximately $90 per night and all attendees should confirm their reservations with the facility as soon as possible, phone number 270-257-2311 as well as advise Rev Wilson or Wongler of their attendance. Also, because there is a $700 fee for conference room use, each attendee is asked to pay $15 per person registration fee prior to the conference to Treasurer Rev Frye. The theme for the conference is “Stand” from Galatians 6:13-14. The schedule of activities and speakers was briefed and everyone was encouraged to promote the conference.
ACTION: All pastors will confirm their reservations with Rough River Conference Center as soon as possible and with Revs Wilson and Wongler.

Chairman Horath announced that Rev Wilson would be the BMA Superintendent of Bethel Conference Center grounds and he and Rev Frye would coordinate all repair and maintenance functions of the grounds in the future. He would also oversee the caretaker’s repairs and maintenance of all grounds and equipment.

Chairman Horath briefly reviewed the BMA Chaplaincy program and advised everyone that Rev Alex Beane had re-entered into the U.S. Army as an installation chaplain, represented by the BMA. He said there was one other minister who had expressed interest in the program with possible representation by us. Rev Matthews also briefed everyone on the addition of a section on the BMA website addressing anyone interested to contact our representative, Rev Rodriguez.

Chairman Horath reminded everyone that membership dues would increase effective January 2018 to $100 for all members under age 65. Those older than 65 and all missionaries would be $50 per year.

Chairman Horath discussed the excellent leadership of this years’ conferences again and asked both Rev Wongler and Rev Smith if they would consent to lead again next year. It was acknowledged that we usually change leadership every two years, but he asked if everyone would agree to allow exception to that policy now. Rev Frye moved that we ask Revs Wongler and Smith to again lead our conferences. Rev Greene seconded the motion. Upon their concurrence, everyone voted to accept their leadership for next year.
ACTION: Revs Wongler and Smith will coordinate the desires of the membership with their leadership and report during the October Annual BMA Conference if they accept the request that they lead next year’s Conferences again.

Chairman Horath reviewed the terms of members of the board of directors and advised everyone that Credentials Committee Chairman Rev Steve Owens would be submitting a slate of officers for those positions in the October Business meeting.
ACTION: Rev Owens will coordinate with members to submit a slate of officers for vote at the Annual Business Meeting in October.

Thanks was again expressed to the leaders of our conferences this year for their outstanding leadership. No further business coming before the board, Rev Wilson moved that we adjourn the membership meeting. Motion was seconded by Rev Frye and all approved. Chairman Horath then declared the meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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