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Bethel Conference Center, Dale, IN
July 12, 2018
Those present: Chairman Rev Don Horath, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Rev Joe Greene, Rev John Wongler, Rev Keenan Smith, Emeritus member Rev Jim Wilson, Caretaker Jeremy Howell, Rev Josh Powell, Rev Rhonda Powell, Rev Tom Sullivan, Rev Mark Phillips, Caleb and Arial Hirsch (Youth Pastors, 1on1 Church, Evansville), Kevin Dickey (Youth Pastor, FGEC, Lincoln, IL), Denise Mustaf (Crosby Church).

Chairman Rev Don Horath called the meeting to order and Rev Wongler led in prayer. Chairman Horath expressed his appreciation to Rev Wongler and his wife Jenny for their outstanding leadership in this year’s Junior Youth Conference. He also commended Rev Smith, Revs Josh and Rhonda Powell for an equally outstanding Senior Youth Conference. He announced that Rev Wongler had been asked to and agreed to lead next year’s Junior Youth Conference. Rev Keenan Smith was asked to lead next year’s Senior Youth Conference. He stated that he would need to meet with his church leadership before committing to this.
ACTION: Rev Smith will meet with his church leadership and respond either way with Chairman Horath regarding leadership of 2019 Senior Youth Conference, preferably before the October Annual Meeting.

Secretary Matthews was asked to read the meeting minutes from the April 11, 2018 membership meeting in Summitville, IN. Since all members had received and reviewed the minutes prior to this meeting, Rev Wilson moved that the minutes be accepted without further reading. Rev Greene seconded the motion and all approved.

Treasurer Rev Phil Frye presented the financial report for the year to date. The balance at the start of the year was $1,670. Total income so far this year was $18,705 and expenses were $20,219 leaving a balance of $157. Highlights of the budget included $5,090 spent on Junior Conference, $7,575 spent on electric and gas and $4,157 spent on repairs and remodeling. Rev Wilson moved that the report be accepted. Rev Wongler seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Matthews submitted the report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that $126 in orders were made in the second quarter and $145 was received, resulting in a balance of $43 for the year. Everyone was encouraged to use BPH to purchase their Sunday School literature. Rev Sullivan moved that the report be accepted. Rev Josh Powell seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Joe Greene presented the Missions report for the year to date. He reported that giving to missions was $16,891, down from last year’s giving of $25,840 at this point. He also reported on a very successful missions trip to Haiti this Spring. Chairman Horath reported that Rev Sambo had requested that the BMA send a representative to their annual meeting this year in Nigeria. Volunteers were solicited for this trip and there were no volunteers. Rev Horath will advise Rev Sambo that we do not have anyone who can make that trip at this time. Rev Matthews moved that the missions report be accepted. Rev Wongler seconded the motion and all approved.
ACTION: Chairman Horath will advise Rev Sambo that we have no members available at this time to attend the Nigerian BMA Conference in the fall.

Rev Horath reminded everyone of the Fall Annual BMA Conference to be held at Crosby Church in Crosby, TX, October 9-11. He also reminded everyone that Rev Rodriguez is our representative for military chaplains associated with the BMA and that Rev Beane is our only current chaplain. He encouraged anyone knowing of individuals interested in chaplain duty to contact Rev Rodriguez. Everyone was reminded that dues this year would again be $100 for all members except those over 65 and missionaries, who would be $50.

A discussion followed about repair needs on Conference grounds. These included repairs needed on the tractor, water stand pipe repairs on the kitchen washing machines, several washout locations on the conference grounds, a request for sand in the volleyball pit to replace the mud pit, the desire to clear out more wooded space on the grounds for added use, request that we spray ahead of conferences for ticks and bugs which were particularly bad this year, the need to put fill dirt around the footers of the tabernacle and the need for repairs and re-roofing of the all weather dorm and re-coating of the dining hall.

There was also extensive discussion and feedback on how well conferences went this year and many ways we can improve our programs and encourage greater attendance. Chairman Horath noted that he would be leading a session at the Annual Conference in Crosby this year to address many of these issues. He also encouraged everyone to attend and start making plans for the trip as early as possible.

Chairman Horath advised everyone that the Credentials Committee would be making annual recommendations for board members at the Fall Conference and recommended that any suggestions or nominations for those positions be made to Credentials Committee Chairman, Rev Steve Owens.

No further business coming before the membership, Rev Greene moved that we adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Rev Wilson and all approved. Chairman Horath then declared the meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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