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Summitville Baptist Church, Summitville, IN
April 11, 2018
Those present: Chairman Rev Don Horath, Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Rev Joe Greene, Rev Joshua Long, Rev Jose Rodriguez, Rev Keenan Smith, Rev John Wongler, Emeritus members Rev Don Matthews, Rev Buddy Holder, Rev James Wilson, Rev Tom Sullivan, Rev Alex Beane, Rev Jerry Rodriguez, Rev Scott Branam.

Chairman Rev Don Horath called the meeting to order and Rev Sullivan led in prayer. Conference host pastor, Rev Alex Beane read from Acts 1:12-20. Chairman Horath expressed his appreciation to Rev Beane for his church’s wonderful hospitality and an outstanding conference.

Secretary Matthews was asked to read the minutes from the January 27 Membership Meeting at Bethel Community Church in Southport. Rev Owens moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded by Rev Wilson, there being no further questions, all approved the minutes.

Rev Horath interrupted the order of the meeting at this point to mention a serious physical condition that had prevented Rev Coomer, who had been scheduled to teach at this conference, from attending. He was currently in the hospital and Rev Horath led the membership in prayer for healing on his behalf.

Treasurer Rev Phil Frye was asked to review the financial report for the first quarter of 2018. The balance at the start of the year was $1,670. Total income for the year to date was $3,630 with $5,000 from savings being added. Expenses were $9,286 leaving a balance of $1,014. Rev Matthews moved that the report be accepted. Rev Wongler seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Joe Greene presented the Missions report for the quarter. He reported that giving to missions for the year was $9,661, down from last year’s giving of $16,360 at this point. He explained several changes from last year’s giving that explain the difference. Rev Frye moved that the missions report be accepted. Rev Owens seconded the motion and all approved.

Chairman Horath briefed the membership that Rev Keenan Smith and Crosby Church had extended the invitation to the BMA to hold their Fall Conference and Annual Business Meeting in their church in Crosby, TX. In order to facilitate the travel, the dates were set for October 9-11. It was also suggested that the business meetings be held at arrival on Tuesday, Oct 9 with services and classes to follow. Chairman Horath took an informal poll of who thought they could attend. A very good number of ministers responded, so the date of the conference was approved.

Rev Wilson led a discussion of possible work days for the conference center to prepare for this year’s programs. Agreed dates include June 22-23 and July 6-7. All pastors are encouraged to promote and encourage people from their churches to participate in work days as there is a lot to do.
ACTION: All pastors will please announce scheduled work days at the conference center and encourage as many as can do so to participate.

Rev Matthews submitted the report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that the balance of accounts at the end of the quarter was $23.53. He noted that $260 was sent to Treasurer Rev Frye for Bethel Youth Conferences as profit from 2017. Everyone was encouraged to use BPH to purchase their Sunday School literature. Rev Greene moved that the report be accepted. Rev Long seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Wongler and his co-director/wife Jenny briefed the board on finalized plans for this year’s Junior Youth Conference. Conference dates will be June 25-28. Cost will be $135 for campers if paid before May 21st and $170 after that. Adults and workers will be $67.50 and any under age children will be $25. Also, those staying in recreational vehicles will be asked to pay an additional $25. The theme for this year’s Junior Conference is “Think Big” with theme verse from Matthew 17:20. Packets were distributed to each pastor for their churches.
ACTION: Pastors will distribute information for Junior Youth Conference to their youth groups, remind everyone that all information is also available on the BMA website and along with their youth leaders, actively promote this year’s conference program.

Rev Rodriguez briefed the membership on the BMA Chaplaincy program. Our only active chaplain currently is Rev Beane. Anyone with interest should contact him with any questions or recommendations for candidates.

Rev Smith briefed the board on finalized plans for this year’s Senior Youth Conference. Conference dates will be July 9-13. Cost will be $170 for campers if paid before June 13th and $200 after that. Adults and workers will be $85 and any under age children will be $25. Also, those staying in recreational vehicles will be asked to pay an additional $25. The theme for this year’s Senior Conference is “We Double Dare You” with theme verse from Romans 12: 1-2. Packets were distributed to each pastor for their churches.
ACTION: Pastors will distribute information for Senior Youth Conference to their youth groups, remind everyone that all information is also available on the BMA website and along with their youth leaders, actively promote this year’s conference program.

No further business coming before the membership, Rev Greene moved that we adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Rev Owens and all approved.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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