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Bethel Youth Camp and Conference Center, Dale, IN
July 14, 2016
Those present: Chairman Rev Don Horath, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Secretary Rev David Matthews; Rev Joe Greene, Rev Brad Kemp, Rev Keenan Smith, Rev John Wongler, Rev Don Matthews, Rev Jim Wilson, Rev Walter Holder, Rev Josh Powell, Rev Rhonda Powell, Rev Anna Warner, Rev Tony Green, Rev David Shafer, Rev Walter Phillips, Rev Mark Phillips, Rev Scott Branam, Rev Tom Sullivan.

Chairman Rev Don Horath called the meeting to order and Rev Josh Powell led in prayer. Rev Scott Branam read from Proverbs 2.

All members had previously reviewed minutes of the last meeting. Therefore, Rev Joe Greene moved that the minutes be accepted without further reading. Seconded by Rev John Wongler, all approved the minutes.

Treasurer Rev Phil Frye presented the financial report for the year. $18,950 had been spent to date leaving a current balance of $3,850, including $6,400 spent during Junior Youth Conference. Rev Branam moved that the report be accepted. Rev Tony Green seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Joe Greene presented the Missions report for the year. He reported that giving to missions for the year so far was $24,060, up from last year’s giving of $21,905 at this point. Rev Anna Warner moved that the Missions report be accepted. Rev Dave Matthews seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev David Matthews gave the report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that the balance of accounts at the end of the quarter was $140. Rev Josh Powell moved that the report be accepted. Rev Smith seconded the motion and all approved.

Chairman Horath briefed everyone on the current plans for the October 2-5, 2016 Conference. Hillside Bethel Tabernacle in Decatur will be hosting this conference and commemorating their 55th anniversary. They will feature Missionary Nola Warren of Durango, Mexico Sunday morning and during the conference. The first BMA session will begin Monday afternoon and board meetings will be held Wednesday morning followed by afternoon meal in an Amish home nearby. All were encouraged to participate and attend.

Chairman Horath acknowledged the excellent leadership of Rev John and Jenny Wongler during Junior Youth Conference and Rev Keenan Smith and his staff for Senior Youth Conference. He also expressed appreciation for all those who came to prepare for camps and provided important repairs to the camp structures and grounds.

Chairman Horath reminded everyone that Nigerian minister and representative of the Bethel ministry in Nigeria, Rev Duff, will attend our conference in October. He encouraged our pastors to consider inviting Rev Duff to speak at their churches during his visit.

Chairman Horath extended a welcome to Jeremy and Kimberly Howell who were selected to be our caretakers at Bethel Youth Camp and Conference Center. He encouraged everyone to express their appreciation and encouragement to them and thank them for a great job getting camp grounds ready for camp this year.

Chairman Horath led a discussion about a possible password-protected portion of our current website be made available. Rev Dave Matthews provided some explanation about possible solutions and agreed to test one soon. This would provide members only with roster information, meeting minutes and instructions for work at camp. It was noted that we need closer supervision of water and electric operations on camp grounds. We recently experienced some financial losses due to leaking water and unintentional shutting off of electricity.
ACTION: Rev Dave Matthews and Rev Brad Kemp will coordinate options for password protected space on the website prior to the October conference.

Chairman Horath announced that he would be asking the Credentials Committee to provide a slate of officers to be elected to the board at the October meeting.

Several individuals were asked to lead next year's Junior and Senior Youth Conferences. They each said they would consider leadership and advise the board prior to the October meeting.

Chairman Horath reminded everyone that we would vote in the Annual Meeting in October to amend Article IV, “Board of Directors”, Section 1, “Number and Term of Directors”, to delete the last sentence of the paragraph which reads, “To become an officer, that is Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer the member must carry a certificate of ordination from this corporation.” No further action was required.

Rev Keenan Smith moved that we adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Rev Wongler and all approved. Chairman Horath declared the meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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