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Temple of God Full Gospel Church, San Antonio, TX
April 6, 2017
Those present: Chairman Rev Don Horath, Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Rev Joe Greene, Rev Keenan Smith, Rev Jose Rodriguez, Rev Joshua Long, Provisional Member Rev Jerry Van Ronk, Emeritus member Rev Jim Wilson, members Rev Jerry Rodriguez, Revs Joshua and Rhonda Powell and Rev Scott Branam.

Chairman Rev Don Horath called the meeting to order and Rev Branam led in prayer. Rev Josh Powell then read from Isaiah 40:3. Chairman Horath expressed his appreciation to Rev Van Ronk and his wife Jeanette for hosting this conference sharing that it was one of the best conferences we have ever had. Secretary Matthews then read the membership meeting minutes from the January 7 Annual Planning Meeting at Southport Bethel Community Church. Rev Wilson moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded by Rev Greene, all approved the minutes.

Treasurer Rev Phil Frye presented the financial report for the year to date. The balance at the start of the year was $1,474. Total income so far this year was $6,560 and expenses were $5,582 leaving a balance of $2,451. Rev Long moved that the report be accepted. Rev Josh Powell seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Joe Greene presented the Missions report for the first quarter. He reported that giving to missions was $16,360, up from last year’s giving of $14,220. The balance of funds waiting to be distributed is $13,330. Rev Frye moved that the missions report be accepted. Rev Branam seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Matthews submitted the report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that the balance of accounts at the end of last year was $291 and that a check for $300 was forwarded to Rev Frye for Bethel Youth Conferences as profit from 2016. $465 in orders were made by our churches in the first quarter and they paid $544, resulting in a end of quarter balance of $70.43. Everyone was encouraged to use BPH to purchase their Sunday School literature. Rev Owens moved that the report be accepted. Rev Jose Rodriguez seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Wilson and Rev Frye informed the members about work to be done at the Conference Center prior to this year’s programs. They informed us that the current mower responsible for mowing all the grass on the property was in need of overhaul work. Rev Greene moved that we research the possibility of trading the current mower in on a new one or even purchasing a new one and keeping the old one as a backup. Rev Wilson seconded the motion and all approved. It was noted that a member of the Hatfield church, John Maybre, had recently accomplished several major repairs to the Conference grounds tractor as a donation to the BMA. It was recommended that a thank you letter be sent to him acknowledging his contributions. Conference Center work days were established for May 26/27, June 9/10 and June 16/17. Everyone was strongly encouraged to participate in as many of these work days as possible.
ACTION: Revs Wilson and Frye will research the potential for purchasing a new mower for Conference property. Rev Horath, Chairman, will produce a letter thanking Mr. Maybre for his contribution to repairs of the tractor. All pastors should encourage their church members to consider helping on work days.

Rev Horath reviewed the plans for this year’s Junior Youth Conference in the absence of Rev John Wongler, director. Dates for the Conference will be June 26-29 and the theme will be “Chosen Vessels” using Isaiah 64:8 as a theme text. Pastors were again reminded to use the standardized registration form for all youth and adults attending conference. These forms and handouts for the conference were made available for all pastors attending and are on the website.

Early registration for Junior Conference is May 30th for $135, and any registration after that will be $150. Similarly, early registration for Senior Conference is June 14th for $150 and any registration after that will be $180. Pastors and adult/teen workers will be half that price and underage registrants attending with parents would be $25. All pastors were reminded to mail registrations to Rev Phil Frye at 7660 S. SR 25, Rochester, IN 46975. It was also stressed that anyone entering conference grounds MUST register with the registrar (Pastor Frye) prior to proceeding to participate an any activities.
ACTION: All pastors will distribute information for Junior and Senior Youth Conference to their churches and help promote the camp programs and encourage their youth to attend. Pastors should also coordinate all registrations with Rev Phil Frye to attempt to meet registration dates.

Rev Keenan Smith briefed the members about his plans for Senior Youth Conference. Dates for Senior Youth Conference are July 10-14 and the theme will be “System Breakers” with text theme of Isaiah 43:18-21. Rev Smith updated the membership on his plans to use a “Wrestling Octagon” unit that he has found popular among the youth in his church. He also briefed the membership on topics of classes, evening services and speakers for the services. It was noted that both camps are still in need of a head cook and a nurse.
ACTION: All pastors will consider individuals who could fill positions of head cook and nurse and advise Chairman Horath and Revs Smith and Wongler of their availability as soon as possible. All pastors will distribute information for Senior Youth Conference to their churches and help promote the camp programs and encourage their youth to attend. Pastors should also coordinate all registrations with Rev Phil Frye to attempt to meet registration dates.

Chairman Horath noted that there had been no volunteers to host the October 2017 conference. Since there were none, he asked Rev Wilson to brief the membership on his suggested alternative. He researched and suggested that we meet at the State Park and Conference Center at Rough River State Park in Kentucky. He briefed everyone on costs and lodging options. Because there would be a $700 fee for conference room use, it was suggested that we ask each attendee for a $15 per person registration fee prior to the conference. The suggested dates for the conference was October 2-4. Rev Van Ronk moved that we accept this plan, Rev Long seconded the motion and all approved the plan. Revs Wilson and Wongler will coordinate the planned program.

Rev Rodriguez briefed the members on the current status of our chaplaincy program. We do not currently have any active chaplains endorsed by the BMA. He did request that we update our website to make it clear that the BMA is a chaplain endorser and that interested individuals should contact him for more information.
ACTION: Rev Matthews will update the website to inform interested parties of our endorsement role as sponsors for chaplains in the military services.

Rev Horath led discussion on the need to raise our membership dues. It was recognized that dues had not been raised for a very long time, that other similar organizations had dues much higher than ours and that dues were the primary source of our income with which to manage the budget, apart from contributions and our youth conference programs. Rev Jose Rodriguez moved that we raise our annual dues for ministers to $100 per year and $50 per year for ministers over 65 years of age and all missionaries. Rev Wilson seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Wilson moved that we adjourn the meeting. Rev Long seconded the motion and all approved. The membership meeting was concluded.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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