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Hatfield Bethel Church, Hatfield, IN
March 31, 2023

Those present: Chairman Rev John Wongler, Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Rev Joe Greene, Rev Phil Frye, Emeritus Members Rev Don Matthews and Rev Jim Wilson, Missions Secretary Rev Jose Rodriguez, Provisional Member Rev Jerry VanRonk, Rev Tom Sullivan, Rev Caleb Holbrook, Rev Jerry Rodriguez.
Attending via Zoom: Treasurer Rev Kevin Horath, Rev Josh Powell, Rev David Shafer, Rev Walter Phillips.

Chairman Wongler called the meeting to order and led in prayer.

Secretary Matthews was asked to read the minutes from the January7, 2023 Membership Meeting via ZOOM Conference. Rev Owens moved that the minutes be accepted as written. Rev Greene seconded the motion and all approved.

Treasurer Horath was asked to review the financial report. The balance at the start of the year was $27,574. Income received for the quarter was $3,936, mostly from membership dues collected. Expenditures were $6,595. The balance at the end of the quarter was $24,915 which includes a one-time $10,000 donation that had been made last year. Rev Frye moved that the report be accepted, Rev Owens seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Rev Jose Rodriguez was called upon to present the Missions report. He reported that giving to missions through this quarter was $3,796 and the bank balance was $13,492. He also briefed that fourteen missions were being supported. Rev Sullivan moved that the minutes be accepted as written. Rev Greene seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev Josh Powell briefed plans for the 2023 Senior Youth Conference, July 10-14. The theme will be “Trending…Making Jesus Famous” with Acts 1:8 as the theme Scripture. Registration fees will remain at $180.

Chairman Wongler briefed plans for the 2023 Junior Youth Conference, June 26-29. The theme will be “Rock Solid,” and theme Scripture will be Psalm 95:1. Price for registration will be $150 per camper like last year.

Chairman Wongler briefed the membership of the tentative dates for Fall Conference, October 10-12 to be held at Victory Christian Center, Bloomington, IL. It will be hosted by Pastors Ed and Jarrod Herald in their newly constructed church facilities.
ACTION ITEM: Rev Jarrod Herald will brief the board and membership about plans for the Fall BMA Conference at the July business meetings.

Chairman Wongler briefed the board on a potential contribution from a business person toward Youth Camp repairs. He then briefed the estimate received from Gilmore Remodeling for repairs and remodeling the All Weather Dorm and roofing nine building structures. The estimate came to just over $147,000. He notified the board that this contributor was willing to donate $100,000 toward these repairs if the BMA would raise the additional $50,000. It was noted that we already have $22,000 raised for these expenses. This would leave approximately $28,000 to be raised by BMA churches and ministries to meet the $50,000 goal.

Missions Secretary Rev Jose Rodriguez discussed the potential replacement of he and his wife as mission secretary, as discussed in the January business meeting. Much discussion followed about the role of Bethel Foreign Missions Foundation, its history and its current use to collect and distribute funds for missionaries associated with the BMA. Considering that most churches are handling their missions giving individually and not through the BFMF, Rev VanRonk made a motion that BFMF be dissolved. The motion died for lack of a second. After further discussion, Rev Frye moved that the issue be tabled until the next meeting in July. This was seconded by Rev Wilson and majority approved. Rev Rodriguez stated that there had been need expressed that the BMA Treasurer be listed to have authorized access to the BFMF accounts to be able to give full accounting to the membership of all finances accountable to the BMA. Rev Frye moved that Treasurer Kevin Horath be added to the access of the BFMF account funds. Rev Rodriguez seconded the motion and all approved. Chairman Wongler stated that there would be further discussion in smaller group of replacement of Rev Rodriguez as Missions Secretary during the months preceding our next meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Replacement of Rev Rodriguez will be further discussed and potential replacement found prior to the July Business meetings. Rev Rodriguez will add Rev Horath as additional access official for the BFMF accounts for reporting purposes.

No further business coming before the membership, Rev Frye moved that the meeting be adjourned. Rev VanRonk seconded the motion and all approved.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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