BMA MEETING MINUTES, January 9, 2021

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Zoom Meeting, Online
January 9, 2021

Those present: Chairman Rev John Wongler, Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Rev Don Horath, Rev Joe Greene, Rev Josh Long, Rev Josh Powell, Emeritus Board Member Rev Don Matthews, Rev Jose Rodriguez, Rev Kevin Horath, Rev Steve Mills, Rev Steve Schwambach, Rev Billy Holder.

Chairman Wongler shared that the Spring Conference would be held at Hatfield Bethel Church, April 12-14, 2021 in combination with commemoration of the church’s 75th anniversary. He stated that the theme would be “Fight or Flight” and that further details for the conference would be published in the coming weeks.

He stated that the Annual Fall Conference would be held at Decatur Hillside Bethel Tabernacle, October 4-6, 2021 in combination with commemoration of the church’s and pastor’s 60th anniversary. He noted that the theme is “Stay the Course” and that further details will be available at the April Conference.

Chairman Wongler briefed the membership that he and his wife, Jenny, will lead the Junior Conference, June 21-24. Cost will remain as last year, $135 for early registration by May 24 and $170 per camper after that date. The theme will be “Armor Up” with theme verse being Ephesians 6. Rev Smith and Rev Powell will lead Senior Conference, July 12-16. Cost will also be planned to remain as last year, $180 for early registration by June 14 and $200 per camper after that date. All dates and plans will be contingent on no government restrictions still being in place that would prohibit conduct of our conferences.

Chairman Wongler introduced the membership in attendance to our newest member, Rev Billy Holder. Some discussion was held about the effects of last year’s Corona Virus on our memberships and how it might affect this year’s BMA activities.

After a brief time of fellowship, Rev Owens moved that we adjourn the meeting. Rev Frye seconded the motion and all approved.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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