BMA MEETING MINUTES, January 7, 2017

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Bethel Community Church, Southport, IN
January 7, 2017
Those present: Chairman Rev Don Horath, Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye; Rev Joe Greene, Rev Keenan Smith, Rev John Wongler, Rev Josh Long, Rev Jim Wilson, Rev Scott Branam, Rev Kevin Horath.

After a good season of praise and worship and a message from Rev Keenan Smith, Chairman Don Horath called the meeting to order asking Rev Kevin Horath to lead in prayer. Chairman Horath expressed his appreciation to Rev Williams and Dan Matthews for hosting us for these two days. Secretary David Matthews read the meeting minutes from the October 5 annual business meeting at Decatur, IL. Rev Owens moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded by Rev Wilson, there being no further questions, all approved the minutes.

Friday evening, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye was absent due to illness, so Chairman Horath presented the financial report for the year. The balance from 2015 was $9,000. Total income for the year was $31,456 and expenses were $38,998 leaving a balance of $1474. $7377 was spent during Junior Conference and $10,309 was spent during Senior Youth Conference. Rev Greene moved that the report be accepted. Rev Wongler seconded the motion and all approved.

Foreign Missions Secretary Joe Greene presented the Missions report for the year. He reported that giving to missions for the year was $43,550, up from last year’s giving of $42,750. The balance of funds waiting to be distributed is $19,196. Rev Horath briefed board members on the successful visit from Brother Duff of Nigeria at our Fall Conference and noted that all the offerings collected for his expenses had been delivered to him in Nigeria. Rev Matthews moved that the missions report be accepted. Rev Wongler seconded the motion and all approved.

Rev David Matthews gave the annual report from Bethel Publishing House. He reported that the balance of accounts at the end of the year was $291. He noted that a check for $300 will be sent to Rev Frye for Bethel Youth Conferences as profit from 2016. Everyone was encouraged to use BPH to purchase their Sunday School literature. Rev Long moved that the report be accepted. Rev Wilson seconded the motion and all approved.

Chairman Horath announced that Temple of God Full Gospel Church in San Antonio, TX will be hosting the BMA Spring Conference April 3-6. The theme will be “Bethel Strong” with verses from Ephesians 6:10. Monday night service will feature Rev David Cook and Tuesday will feature his associate, Rev Larry King. Host Jerry Van Ronk has planned several teaching sessions for the day and a couple of excursions for everyone on the River Walk in San Antonio. The Board and Membership Meetings will be held Thursday morning prior to dismissal. Chairman Horath mentioned that we currently do not have a host church for the October 2017 Conference. He asked that anyone interested would let him know.

Chairman Horath reminded all members that BMA Manuals and updated membership rosters were available. Looking to adjourn until Saturday morning’s Conference planning sessions, Rev Wilson moved that we adjourn. Rev Owens seconded the motion and all approved.

Saturday Morning Youth Conferences Planning Meeting

Also attending the Saturday morning planning session was Rev Phil Frye who was asked to pray to begin the meeting. Chairman Horath called the meeting to order by asking Treasurer Phil Frye to address the camp budgets for 2017. Reviewing expenditures for last year’s camps, Rev Frye told the directors to budget for the same amount this year.

Rev John Wongler briefed the members on his plans for 2017 Junior Youth Conference. Dates for the Conference will be June 26-29 and the theme will be “Chosen Vessels” using Isaiah 64:8 as a theme text. Rev Wongler started by briefing everyone on the new conduct and dress codes for youth conferences. This new document will be included in its entirety at the end of these minutes. There was some discussion about the decision to keep the required length of shorts no shorter than one hand width above the knee and especially the decision to allow youth not on the platform to wear shorts in the evening services. There was also discussion about using the standardized registration form for all youth and adults attending conference.

Decision was made to keep prices for Conferences the same as last year. However, it was decided to remove the middle deadline date. This means that early registration for Junior Conference is May 30th for $135, and any registration after that will be $150. Similarly, early registration for Senior Conference is June 14th for $150 and any registration after that will be $180. Pastors and adult/teen workers will be half that price and underage registrants attending with parents would be $25. All pastors were reminded to mail registrations to Rev Phil Frye at 7660 S. SR 25, Rochester, IN 46975. It was also stressed that anyone entering conference grounds MUST register with the registrar (Pastor Frye) prior to proceeding to participate an any activities.
ACTION: All pastors will distribute information for Junior and Senior Youth Conference to their churches and help promote the camp programs and encourage their youth to attend. Pastors should also coordinate all registrations with Rev Phil Frye to attempt to meet registration dates.

Rev Keenan Smith briefed the members about his plans for Senior Youth Conference. Dates for Senior Youth Conference are July 10-14 and the theme will be “System Breakers” with text theme of Isaiah 43:18-21. Rev Smith stated that Rev Todd Waites mentioned that he would like to attend our conference again this year. Rev Smith also stated that he was considering coordinating for the use of a “Wrestling Octagon” unit that he has found popular among the youth in his church. After considerable discussion, Rev Wongler moved that Rev Smith be allowed to coordinate to bring the Octagon Ring and as many as two trainers with him to Senior Conference and would further discuss the amount of physical contact expected, costs and further details at the conference in April. Rev Owens seconded the motion and the measure passed with majority vote.
ACTION: Rev Smith will coordinate details for use of the MMI Octagon Ring for Senior Youth Conference and provide all further details about its use and cost at the April Conference.

The Rev W.B. Badger Young Preacher’s Competition will be conducted this year again with five minute sermons by youth ministers who desire to participate, preaching from the theme text, Isaiah 43:18-21. The camp budgets were discussed making sure that directors knew how much they had to spend on speakers and recreation. Rev Smith repeated his concerns that, due to his great distance from the Conference grounds, he will need significant “local” assistance coordinating many aspects of the conference. He welcomed all suggestions for meeting these needs and asked everyone to pray that God would move greatly among our teens this year.
ACTION: All pastors will distribute information for Senior Youth Conference to their churches and help promote the camp programs and encourage their youth to attend. Pastors should also coordinate all registrations with Rev Phil Frye to attempt to meet registration dates.

Rev Wongler reported that the caretaker had made all preparations for winter at the conference center and was accomplishing several other tasks around the grounds as well. Chairman Horath addressed the issue of work days prior to conferences this year. Rev Wilson expressed concern because of the lack of participation in conference ground work days and decided to establish dates prior to the April Conference.
ACTION: Pastors should encourage their church members to consider helping on conference ground work days. Rev Wilson will report conference ground work days at the April Conference.

Chairman Horath announced the BMA officers and board members for 2017 as Chairman Rev Don Horath, Vice Chairman Rev Steve Owens, Secretary Rev David Matthews, Treasurer Rev Phil Frye, Board Members Rev Joe Greene, Rev Jose Rodriguez, Rev Keenan Smith, Rev John Wongler and Rev Josh Long. Provisional Board Members are Rev Jerry Van Ronk and Rev Brad Kemp. Emeritus Board Members are Rev Buddy Holder, Rev Don Matthews, Rev Oscar Owens and Rev James Wilson.

Rev Joe Greene moved that we adjourn the meeting. Rev Steve Owens seconded the motion and all approved. The membership meeting was concluded.

Submitted by Secretary Rev David Matthews

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